Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's Apple Pickin' Time!

On Saturday I joined a few other women from the Seminary (some wives and some students) on a trip to the Apton Apple Orchard in Hastings, MN (about 40 minutes east of us on the Wisconsin border).  We had a nice time getting to visit with each other, picking apples and having apple treats!  When I got back I told Bryan and the kids about it and they really wanted to check it out.  On Sunday, after church, we headed to the same orchard.  The weather was sunny and just the right temperature for most of the time.  When you first arrive, you can sample each type of apple they have available and also many apple and pumpkin products such as apple salsa and pumpkin butter.  The kids played on the huge playground and got their faces painted.  We got to taste freshly squeezed cider and eat some apple treats.  (ok, well....Taylor had a hot dog and Noah had a pumpkin donut but Bry and I had an apple fritter).  Next we hopped on the hayride to get to the orchards.  We hopped off first at a huge pumpkin patch where the kids loved exploring.  They also apparently loved running and tripping on the vines.....they each did it several times. : ) After each kid picked out their special pumpkin, we hopped back on the hayride.  The orchard had several types of apples to pick but we chose the "Sweet 16" which was the kind I'd had the day before (as reccomended by my friend Rebecca).  We had fun picking a couple of bags and are planning to make a homemade apple pie.  (oh yeah.....anyone have an apple-corer-peeler-slicer??  haha).  After we picked and walked around for awhile, we hopped back on the hayride and headed back to pay.   We all really enjoyed our first time apple pickin' experience and will be looking forward to going back next fall! now I'm going to go eat an apple......all of this apple talk has made me hungry!!

Kelly, Rebecca, Kara
(aka the ladies of the 1st floor)

 Me and my Sweet 16 (yummy!)

 Kara...picking and posing we did not bring bags with us so we had to
stash them in random places while picking
until we got back to the pay place.....

 I still call it Soda.....for now.

 Our group
(Cicelia, me, Nikki, Rebecca, Kara, Wyatt, Maddie)

 The bumpy roller slide was a big hit!

Taylor got a flower on her face.


Noah peeking at me.

Noah's turn.

Noah decide to go for a red nose and whiskers.

Feeding the goats.

Feeding the goats.

 Taunting the goats.

Mmmmmm....pumpkin donut!

Mouth full of hot dog bun.

Daddy and Noah

This was supposed to be Daddy and Taylor but as you
can see Noah snuck in!

Mommy and Noah....Taylor declined when asked to
be in the photo.....I don't think I've ever heard Noah do that!


Hayride to the apples and pumpkins...good
shot Bryan!


Bryan in the pumpkin patch.  : )

Noah gives a thumbs up for his pumpkin!

Tay picked a little green pumpkin.

Let's pick some apples!

....and some more.

So many apples!!

Not sure what she is doing but I love this shot!

OK....let's get a few more to make our pie.

I asked Noah to give me his craziest apple pickin' pose....
and he delivered as usual!


  1. pumpkin donut, apple salsa, pumpkin butter? YUM!

    Elizabeth Hoffmann

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
